Content Browser


  • October 2 OaAth 2.0 for Kids (Software and IT systems)
    A good image, if you are unsure about OAuth 2.0. Or even worse, if a resident expert is bullying you.  And please understand the Refresh...
  • October 2 On 1 OCT 2024, Visual Studio Update was 4.98 GB (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    On 1 OCT 2024, Visual Studio 2022 Update was 4.98...
  • September 10 Cecilia Payne (Link)
  • September 8 3QF: The key to ROI (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Compliance, GDPR, Security, Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Do not ignore the 3 key quality factors of IT. This should be your rule, not a conjecture.Every IT systems solution should have 3 key...
  • September 7 Zero JSON Architecture (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Cloud Computing, Software and IT systems)
    HTMX enables an architecture that eliminates the need for JSON by focusing on HTML-over-HTTP...
  • July 23 AI: What do I think (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    What do I...
  • May 18 AI: Why is it much harder than you are led to believe (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems)
    In 1892, psychologist William James said of psychology at the time, “This is no science; it is only the hope of a science”. This is a...
  • May 8 C++ How to produce legal and non-existent code (Software and IT systems)
    Why would anybody do this? What is “non-existent”...
  • April 5 A bit different handling of variable number of arguments. (Software and IT systems)
  • March 24 The real costs of owning the IT landscape (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    One of those timeless posts. The real cost of IT. From top to bottom/ From Applications tier all the way down to the...
  • February 18 C++ != std:: (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems)
  • December 20 Apparently I do agree too (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Actually, I might say that is a picture of...
  • December 4 Technical Debt has a Very High Interest Rate (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Industries, Markets and Speculations)
      With an undefined payment...
  • November 30 Cloud Computing terminology might hurt you (Cloud Computing, Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    There is a problem these days, whenever someone is trying to understand what kind-of-*aas is someone talking about. Or trying to sell....
  • November 6 What are they using, C or C++ ? (Software and IT systems)
    It seems that the team over there has a long-lasting love-and-hate relationship with C and with...
  • November 5 Does C++ matter any more? (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems)
    Herb says ” … we <3 C++ … “. (Whoever is “We”)...
  • October 30 C Does it matter any more? (Software and IT systems)
    Before predicting a future of software, please remember. There are also two OS-es written in...
  • August 30 Can you believe it, yet another post on Asymetric Keys? (Software and IT systems)
    Well, I do believe it. Very recently I had to explain the concept to an audience of (non-software)...
  • July 8 VM != Cloud (Software and IT systems)
    Message for those from the dutchy of...
  • April 21 C Just what is this thing called ‘Modern C’? (Software and IT systems)
    In danger of immediately sounding “pompous”, I will bravely postulate, that most developers just simply do not understand how...
  • February 25 C++ How to simply handle variable number of function arguments (Software and IT systems)
    The term “beginner” is a misnomer in the context of C++. Becoming a solid C++ beginner takes time and...
  • February 24 C++ Exceptions; just say no (Software and IT systems)
    In case you still like to use exceptions, here is the latest C++ official paper on the cost of exceptions in...
  • February 13 RUST Marketing (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems)
    I have said many times already: “Marketing is manipulating the focus of the...
  • February 13 The Mithycal Console App (Software and IT systems)
    Update  This post has provoked a lot of interest, so I managed to generate even more workload for myself. After some time (two years) here...
  • January 1 2022 (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
  • December 11 C++ Zen of the Sad Path (Software and IT systems)
    Standard C++ has no standard error...
  • November 30 Bit Torrent for Home (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems)
    My use case to prove the point. Large file copy experience can be much more...
  • November 18 Some people are upset with Apple M1 (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Some people;le are really upset with the new Apple SOC named M1. It apparently "renders Intel obsolete". There are two new laptops and Mac...
  • October 28 JSON: How to create an undefined or NaN value? (Software and IT systems)
    JSON issue: how to send infinity, null or undefined? Is this solved...
  • October 16 HTA doesn’t look like a virus to me (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    ‘powerof.hta’ gist is here: Inside is just JavaScript, HTML,...
  • October 15 Feasibility and energy spend your code provokes. What?! (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Power consumption of software executable made from your code does matter. But, can we quantify...
  • July 9 c++ Type confusion stopper (Software and IT systems)
    C++ is hard. But, you are advancing.  Things are becoming clearer and clearer. By now, you feel confident enough to tackle head-on, even...
  • June 14 Everybody Knows how to deliver an Web App? (Cloud Computing, Data Centre, Software and IT systems)
    From the hardware to the front. With your responsibility to choose the right kind of everything? If you know you can deliver all of this,...
  • June 1 Architecture then Engineering (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
  • May 19 Visual Studio MS Docs Dream Classification (Software and IT systems)
    What is the point I am making...
  • May 19 C++ GUID for the rest of us (Software and IT systems)
    In case you want to know why is Universally unique identifier incredibly useful for you click on that link. UUID and GUID mean the same...
  • May 18 C++ simple and resilient data (Software and IT systems)
    Simple things are simply the most useful things. But one has to be careful not to make them simpler than...
  • May 13 Marketing Definition (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
  • May 12 Strategy and Branding. Do they pay of? (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Strategy and Branding. Why would you have a...
  • May 1 JavaScript : function arguments are expressions (Software and IT systems)
    Consider this statement. fun( alert('Bimbili'), alert('Bumbili') ); Besides, reminding us of desperately bad parts of JavaScript (mixed...
  • April 4 The Architecture of Happines (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Albert A.: "If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth...
  • April 3 C++ Why loading Windows DLL at runtime? (Software and IT systems)
    The full working code. Made with 2017 Visual Studio Community Edition. Any questions, or bugs, fire away and...
  • March 24 Remote Working: The Big Business (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Remote working should have been a common practice much before 2020. In all honesty, it was not....
  • March 13 C++ Not easy to start with (Software and IT systems)
    The other day, a C++ student approached me on-line, while he researched some tiny framework of mine. In his own words he”bumped into...
  • March 7 Enterprise Architect vs Solution Architect (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    What an Architect is not? There are organizations making a mistake of not clarifying that question. Alienating in that oversight, a lot of...
  • February 23 Moment := micro + component (Software and IT systems)
    Components 2020 aka ECS I have just realized there is an “Entity component system” architecture in full swing these days.  I...
  • February 20 c++ the commitee naming — std::exchange (Software and IT systems)
    Naming is hard. This is largely about naming. Ditto, what might `std::exchange`...
  • February 11 C++ On and off the bandwagon (Software and IT systems)
    Some time ago I have shown a real life example  of the reason for the existence of generic lambda, which I managed to make. Now please...
  • February 3 std namespace is notorious C++? (Software and IT systems)
    Think abstract but do not force it, before showing it in...
  • January 4 C++ so you want a fast code ? (Software and IT systems)
    The other day, leader of a “star studded” GitHub repo sent me email with this paragraph: “… This is hard. I am in...
  • December 31 c++ how to handle two param packs — lambda solution (Software and IT systems)
    The requirement is to be able to handle two-parameter packs in the same time.  Just to be sure we are on the same page, using one...
  • December 30 C++ Lambda Mixer (Software and IT systems)
    Lambdas are delivering good and quick and simple C++. But , contrary to Functional Programming aficionados, you still need good old structs...
  • December 29 C++ print a sequence (Software and IT systems)
      This is a post for C++ beginners. Not an easy role in the world of programming languages. But, I know it can be a rewarding...
  • December 29 C++Language version detection (Software and IT systems)
    One of those snippets you just copy-paste from SO? Can I please explain to you a few basics before your copy-paste this one? Let’s...
  • December 11 DBJ 2004 — Google data harvesting (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    It seems this one I got right. 15_ years ago. The role of Gogle in constant harvesting information about you. I even have presented the...
  • November 27 C++ Convert any character sequence to any standard string (Software and IT systems)
    [Update 2023-01-07] Author of this humble post has decided not to use C or C++ to do any char or text or string processing, using those two...
  • November 12 C++ Windows Unicode Console Output (Software and IT systems)
    Windows Console Unicode configuration from C++ auto initializing...
  • October 18 Dear Chairman: Please keep your eyes on the road (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    As a business leader, do keep on engaging with Enterprise Architects regularly. Your business depends on...
  • September 30 The granularity of Abstraction (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    What is that and why write a blog post about...
  • September 1 One Plugin to end all jQuery Plugins (Software and IT systems)
    Well, I could not resist this catchy title, could I? Perhaps I could. In any case I have this idea and implementation where one jQuery...
  • July 27 C++ is bad, wrong, a disaster (Software and IT systems)
    That is probably a common message of many C++ naysayers. And there are some who actually have been or are using C++ on some project right...
  • July 16 C++ DBJ Error Concept, at last (Software and IT systems)
    Caveat Emptor This is left in here purely for historical reasons. This is probably the first coherent text of mine on the subject of...
  • July 10 How fast is modern browser? (Software and IT systems)
    And they are all still very fast indeed. Originaly posted 30 Mar...
  • July 9 The Progress (Software and IT systems)
    I just deleted an almost empty REACT project on my devl machine. It had a bit more than 37000 “items” (aka files) inside. But,...
  • May 30 Just when you thought he is lost to C# (Software and IT systems)
    I bounce back ...
  • May 13 HEXO, JEKILL, HUGO, GATSBY and the rest, are not for end users (Software and IT systems)
    HEXO, JEKILL, HUGO, GATSBY and the rest, are not for end users They are CMS platforms for developers and administrators. Why is nobody...
  • April 11 C++ Are lvalues, rvalues, glvalues, xvalues, making you leave the party? (Software and IT systems)
    No need. Please read this...
  • February 27 C++ Simple matrix for the rest of us (Software and IT systems)
    Update 2022 Nov 6 I know this is useful code in an article that is useful but needs updating. So here it is updated. Godbolt single header...
  • February 24 Inheritance easily grows out of control (Software and IT systems)
    A short explanation on why is interface better than class...
  • February 23 Inheritance is Anti-Pattern (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Software and IT systems)
    Avoid inheritance at all costs. Use modern...
  • February 12 C++ Are std::any and std::optional , “driving you up the wall” ? (Software and IT systems)
    Well, they were, but not any more. Here is what I have realized...
  • February 4 Cloud: I think it is obvious (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Often, we find ourselves thinking: “I thought that is obvious…” For example. What I thought is obvious on what is the...
  • December 23 2019 — Big Data is now Personal (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    My dear readers, visitors, well-wishers and all the others Happy New Year...
  • December 9 Enterprise Architects are Digital Town Planners (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    If you find yourself in one congested unhappy Digital Town, it is about time you try and plan your way out, with the help of few good...
  • November 12 C++ How to create unique types, from the all stack template. Part two. (Software and IT systems)
    Some real life context to this post might be here. And what is going on in here?...
  • November 8 What is really necessary from Azure? (Cloud Computing, Data Centre, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Why do we care? Here is why. It seems Microsoft marketing has overwhelmed the target audience with dozens of made to be equally important...
  • September 4 C++ Never underestimate the Generic Lambda (Software and IT systems)
    This is an update on my previous post. With a moral to the story too.  I might hope some C++ beginners might learn something useful...
  • August 18 C++ How to code string constants (Software and IT systems)
    Beginner or not, average (or not) C++ developer might think this is a non-issue. Nothing to talk about. I would like to...
  • July 9 dbj.cond No if(), no else, Javascript (Software and IT systems)
    dbj.cond What is it? Why does it exists? Probably the best way to start with “No if(), no else” Javascript, is to try this...
  • June 27 ARCHITECT — THE MYTHICAL BEING (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    This is a real architect role description sent to me by a real UK company, as part of the recruitment process. I have only slightly changed...
  • June 21 C++ Small string optimizations (Software and IT systems)
    What is “small string...
  • June 15 C++ Polymorphism with no inheritance (Software and IT systems)
    Working Wandbox-ed modern C++ code, is HERE. C++ Polymorphism with no inheritance is by no means, somewhat advanced concept. But, this is...
  • June 6 C++ The Modern Factory (Software and IT systems)
    I think I have architected, designed and implemented, what might be a (bit) better  Factory Pattern. Of course, I am pretty sure someone...
  • May 14 Just say No to XML (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems)
    And the core argument is: This is because of Legacy clients (and servers)? Are we really to believe MSFT has no enough organisational and...
  • May 7 C++: my own string comparisons (Software and IT systems)
    [leftblock] An Apple and an Orange. Not the same. [/leftblock] Probably this subject comes as a surprise. Most of the  Windows development...
  • May 4 My Quora nano moment of glory (Software and IT systems)
    [leftblock][/leftblock] “Mr Chueng” was kind enough to ask a question on Quora, which due to some email meandering of destiny...
  • April 19 What is “Wordlwide point in time” ? (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Windows 10 Upgrade FAQ is telling us what is...
  • April 4 Azure Cloud Focus : Nano Server Nano Role (Cloud Computing, Data Centre, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    More than a year ago I was (as a lot of others where too) excitedly speculating about Microsoft Windows Nano...
  • April 3 Windows in danger! (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    The latest Microsoft Re-Org is a Sandstorm that has engulfed suddenly everything in the industry.  Some people are confused and rushing...
  • January 20 JavaScript dbj.cond-itional all the way (Software and IT systems)
    I have found some  time to do it properly at last.  If this is all news to you please start from here.  the beginnings and motivations...
  • January 11 Kenny Kerr (Software and IT systems, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Kenny Kerr is an elephant in the legacy programming china...
  • December 28 “Bad” problem is the one which is technically “Hard” (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Major Advance Reveals  the Limits of Computation...
  • December 12 To re-turn to feasibility you have to innovate (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Cloud Computing, Compliance, GDPR, Security, Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems)
    To innovate means to disrupt. Disruption is feasible if it transforms into improvement. And that transformation from disruptive innovation...
  • December 12 Live Writer is Open (Software and IT systems, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Suddenly people who payed for WP based sites and blogs, can actually use...
  • December 10 Ouch! EU businesses after Safe Harbour (Data Centre, Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Split between EU privacy watchdogs on Safe Harbour worries...
  • October 29 Share Point universe in 2015 (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    SharePoint universe has changed considerably. As a good refresher look into the first link on this page of mine, I just...
  • September 20 Is there a future for Microsoft? (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Same as You I have invested many (20+) years into what is usually called: “Microsoft...
  • July 7 Sky Wide Computing ™ (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Cloud Computing, Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Currently There is no ability for the CTO of "Company X" to wake up one morning, click a button on a web control-panel, and suddenly shift...
  • July 4 Architecture of Windows 10 and Windows 11 (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Industries, Markets and Speculations, Software and IT systems, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    One of the reasons why so many developers do not understand how the Windows works (other than looking into its documentation strangely...
  • June 21 How many more years of misery for MS WORD developers? (Software and IT systems)
    MS WORD Help System is solidly anchored in the past century. Illustration above clarifies the hoops countless of "Office Solution"...
  • June 7 List of events attached. The jQuery plugin. (Software and IT systems)
    jQuery is internally maintaining the list of events it was asked to attach/detach to/from an element. Strictly speaking this is not a...
  • June 1 Understand what Microsoft does, not what Microsoft says (Software and IT systems)
    Maybe this CLANG fork will turn out to be "just" what Microsoft implemented as Non Standard C++ attributes , or not ... it does not...
  • June 1 Windows 10 campaign has started: Exit is not an option (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    You are using our OS. Your desktop is our desktop. We can install whatever we want on your desktop. And, no there is no "Exit" link, button...
  • May 30 C++ prodigy? Beware of Visual Studio 2015RC (Software and IT systems)
    C++ prodigy? Beware of Visual Studio 2015RC. C++ project is not unicode by...
  • April 22 Singapore Prime Minister has coded Sudoku. In C++ (Software and IT systems)
    Transcript of Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at Founders Forum Smart Nation Singapore Reception on 20 April 2015 | Prime...
  • April 7 Springy (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    March 6th, 2008 This morning, I said to myself: “Wow! Yet another spring” … April 7th 2015 This morning, I said to myself: “Wow!...
  • February 22 XIAOMI is going beyond LEAN (Software and IT systems)
    Unlike the customized Android builds from most other vendors, Xiaomi started out making Android ROMs before it even shipped a phone. It...
  • December 12 jQuery CSS Selectors? I usually do this by extending Sizzle (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Not just because that produces a solution that is much more usable (and also definitely very snazzy JavaScript) which is always a...
  • November 15 Why is the “best” API rarely used? (Software and IT systems)
    Sorry for appearing perhaps as patronizing, but...
  • October 14 var solution = dbj( problem ) ; (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Hight tech marketing at its best, or high tech marketing at its worst...
  • July 10 dbj.cond() (Software and IT systems)
      Javascript cond. Just what is that? Well some time ago, I have started what could be described (I hope) as my proper1 contribution...
  • June 27 Why Larry did it? (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    It is Very interesting to see al these theories and musings on the subject of Oracle (aka Larry) and Microsoft (aka Steve) forming what...
  • June 25 WIN Skin (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    The other day I stumbled upon this question about Windows...
  • May 17 DBJ AutoLISP circa 1991 (Software and IT systems)
    Undusting the floppies the other day brought yet another “Wow !” moment … I was writing LISP code in 1991 ? And it...
  • April 26 “Mort”, “Elvis”, “Einstein” … vs Zombies ? (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Mort Elvis Einstein Zombies. Might they be names used for the types of developers and for their...
  • April 21 The mysterious powers of Microsoft Excel (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Well on this world there are a lot of people who seriously believe that every computing problem they have can be basically solved with...
  • April 10 string [ ] operator behaves badly. JavaScript (Software and IT systems)
    Puzzles of JavaScript, string literal '[ ]'...
  • April 6 commdlg32 and Windows 8 and Windows 10 (Software and IT systems)
    The other day I unpacked my trusty HTA, I use to quickly check JavaScript snippets. It is very simple, but it also uses commdlg32 so that I...
  • March 13 (Enterprise) Architecture and Strategy (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    The other day, on this forum a question was asked: “…is EA [supposed] to be an custodian to the enterprise strategy …...
  • March 1 Trusted but to be warned about (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    What does a concept of "Trusted List" means to you?...
  • January 31 “Anything” to Hexadecimal string (Software and IT systems)
    Robust utility function for producing hex number...
  • January 22 The misterious case of Microsoft Money (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Saying that MS Money was ahead of its time will be an...
  • January 22 Floppy lives in every VM memory (Data Centre)
    Dear old floppy. Will live forever in collective memory of machines of the future. I have clicked “Yes” on the message box...
  • December 16 MSFT needs more JavaScript expertise (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Explanation and real life sample explanation on why and how JavaScript expertise is lacking from...
  • October 29 My ECMA Proposal : make switch useful (Software and IT systems)
    Replace JavaScript switch with dbj.cond. How and...
  • October 26 Does your browser support CSS on newborns ? (Software and IT systems)
    Working on a cross browser code the other day, I stumbled upon yet another difference in browsers behaviour and dom+javascript...
  • October 15 TypeScript … Why ? (Software and IT systems)
    TypeScript (TS) as a programming language is too young to be taken seriously, looked into or to waste play time on it. However. What is...
  • October 8 JavaScript: You want a Role, not a Type (Software and IT systems)
    Few days ago one jQuery discussion, "blossomed" around good old: isObject() or is it isArray() , dilemma. One of few never ending...
  • October 8 isFunction() or isObject(), that is the question ? (Software and IT systems)
    In my previous post, we have established few simple rules and presented a simple mechanism for dealing with object “roles” in...
  • September 12 jQuery makes me proud too ;o) (Software and IT systems)
    Just received email from jQuery...
  • September 3 Short Reminder (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    While browsing inside some old repository of mine I stumbled upon this little set of principles. Of course, I could not resist but to...
  • August 22 Chrome included by default in W8 Enterprise Eval ? (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Hm … It can’t be only me experiencing this … surely not...
  • August 18 But, will my Cloud application always work ? (Cloud Computing)
    Well … no it will not if there is no Cloud. It is as simple as that. But what that actually means...
  • August 13 My Windows 8 advice ? (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    If Windows Next does not happen quick, corporations will simply use W7 desktop for "next 10 years". And in the mean time have all the time...
  • August 13 The perennial Windows Update problem and what seems to be a solution (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    In case You are one of the victims of mysterious and seemingly un-fixable Windows Update (WU) problem (whatever is the useless Error code)...
  • June 8 Simple and useful (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Stay up to date. This three links are very crucial. Believe me. they...
  • May 7 Chrome OS on a Galaxy Mobile Device? (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    GOOG is paying the "industry wide" price. That is: they are about to pay, even if there is no money involved, and even if they do not loose...
  • March 9 What If ? (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Who has not seen that one single famous (and semi baked) architectural diagram of W8? This is the one : Half baked and muddled indeed....
  • February 15 Apple Logic: Be more usable than others (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    I know it perhaps annoys you to no end, but it is the fact: Apple Inc. is successful. Ok. Fine. I want to learn from Apple Inc. success. We...
  • December 6 What are we living ? (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Huey P. Long, onetime Governor of Louisana said in the 1930s when Mussolini was making the trains run on time, was asked by the press,...
  • October 8 “Times they are a changin” (Software and IT systems)
    In recent days, it is very interesting to watch C#/.NET/ASP/SilverLight people trying to port themselves into the HTML/JS paradigm. All...
  • September 20 Metro UI (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Well, I have seriously “elevated” this blog. Just changed all my fonts to “Segoe UI”. I am sure You can feel the...
  • September 15 JavaScript with no if’s (Software and IT systems)
    No if’s.Only buts ? Enter dbj.cond(). Stright into the deep...
  • August 13 jQuery better isWindow() is not for window (Software and IT systems)
    Same as me “jeresig” does not like to spend much time on some code just because some jokers, can produce a use-case which is...
  • August 7 “”.format() in JavaScript (Software and IT systems)
    Stumbled upon (again) string format() discussion. This time on...
  • August 6 My jQuery outerHTML plugin (Software and IT systems)
    jQuery outerHTML plugin. Logic, source code and...
  • August 3 What is the most feasible implementation of this architecture ? (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Cloud Computing)
    How I might answer this question: "What is the most feasible implementation of this architecture...
  • August 2 isFunction(), final… (Software and IT systems)
    The other day I realised I actually have not presented the proper shape of the final version of my isFunction()...
  • August 2 Where is the debt crisis coming from? (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Is it a case of too much self belief, perhaps? “The way to write American music is simple. All you have to do is be an American and...
  • July 20 I am not happy (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. —...
  • June 12 The Big Switch (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    HTML5, JavaScript, WINC++, no SilverLight, where is .NET, etc … W8 uproar is all arround us. No point on cogitating more on that. Now...
  • June 7 Good Morning C++ (Software and IT systems)
    And there You have it. I am reading Marry's post and I am realizing that next version of Windows (W8) will be a comeback of C++. 10 years...
  • June 2 Farewell SilverLight (Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Windows 8 (W8) is now official reality. And hidden inside W8 announcement is one very big piece of news indeed. Demise of...
  • May 13 Microsft + Skype = MicroSKYPE (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Each and every financial news journalist has commented on MSFT pruchase of Skype. And each and every of them clever financial journalists...
  • April 27 Emotional inteligence (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    “If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask...
  • February 12 NOKISOFT (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Admit it … much much nicer than Microkia...
  • January 30 My Blog is worth a lot of $ (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    If you are into Internet Archaeology please proceed...
  • January 28 JavaScript: Just say No to “Reactive Programming” (Software and IT systems, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    [originally published Jan 28, 2011] Again we have yet another (software development) term which is very “En Vogue”. And this...
  • January 5 BING (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    What is BING good for? BING is good for BINGE...
  • November 29 Symbian demise made me think (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Symbian shuts down its...
  • September 25 jQuery 1.4.2 fix for IE9 (Software and IT systems)
    As far as I can see jQuery 1.4.2 fails to load in IE9. At least, that is the case for the jQuery js file, coming from Google CDN....
  • June 11 RFC : CallStream as an Interfacing Concept (Software and IT systems)
    When I first discovered (or invented it) I called CallStream an “JavaScript Interfacing Mechanism”. Which was unnecessary self...
  • June 10 iFool 1.0 (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    On that evening, like almost every other day before, a man was hopelessly stuck in his car in a solidly blocked traffic. On some wide and...
  • June 1 Googlops ? (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Are we witnessing the birth of a new one-eyed, Cyclopes like, single-eyed...
  • May 11 Repeatedly shooting your own foot (Software and IT systems)
    Why is Microsoft repeatedly and deliberately breaking up with it’s own...
  • April 16 Legacy C# with default method arguments (Software and IT systems)
    Visual Studio 2010 is officially released. Regardless of its quality, I think that a very large percentage of companies will move from 2008...
  • April 1 metacall()()()™ C# Binding (Software and IT systems)
    In the second part of metacall series, I shall try and contribute with my own C# implementation of the...
  • March 30 metacall()()()™ API and application architecture pattern (Software and IT systems)
    CallStream. An JavaScript Interfacing Pattern. JavaScript message based interfacing...
  • March 29 Battle for the Kingdom of the Cloud (Cloud Computing)
    Call me a "conspiracy believer" but ... I can see the real multitude of IT battles going on. Right now, and everywhere, I look. What...
  • March 17 Microsoft + jQuery = Love (Software and IT systems)
    Yesterday (on MIX10) Microsoft has re-iterated and strengthened its commitment to jQuery.  This is certainly (very) good news for jQuery...
  • March 17 DBJ*Home Cloud™ (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Cloud Computing, Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Neighbourhood Cloud Update 2010 03...
  • February 11 JavaScript : The humble ‘in’ operator (Software and IT systems)
      This might be an “opportunity for optimization” … if not already discovered by someone else that is. First...
  • January 20 Predicting the future of IT all (Software and IT systems)
    “Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000...
  • January 2 2010: Year of no more coding (Software and IT systems)
    Let us start 2010 in the same way as every other IT year...
  • December 8 xJAML (Software and IT systems)
    Extended Json Application Markup Language, aka...
  • November 20 Personal*G (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Update 2009 Nov 20 This does not happen every day, so I have to be laud about it. I was right one year ago. My idea bellow turns into...
  • October 31 Is JavaScript , ok ? (Software and IT systems)
    Well, there certainly are mistakes in its design. And since it came to be, out of a pure accident, or luck, it could be much worse,...
  • October 26 JavaScript : Cross browser colour calculations (Software and IT systems)
    Cross browser colour...
  • October 23 Misterious case of JScript.NET (Software and IT systems)
    C# is bloated beyond repair. I like F# or IronPython (for example) and I would love D# to be a .NET programming language, and not a "guitar...
  • October 20 Make it simpler … (Software and IT systems)
    Why is JavaScript provoking people to write unnecessarily complicated code? Even people who usually come across as relaxed and not as...
  • September 24 What will the Empire do about “Google Chrome Frame for IE” ? (Software and IT systems)
    A different and (I hope) educated point of view on this one, if I...
  • September 21 SIP Gateway Setup (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    I am using SIP as VOIP technology. I purchased Linksys PAP2 SIP gateway boxes. They allow me to use any ‘normal’ telephone for...
  • September 13 Which server is feasible? (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Simple and good enough method for determining which hardware system is more...
  • August 21 jQuery.strict = true (Software and IT systems)
    (originaly published 2009 Mar 20) “strict” mode? Why? To make jQuery enabled web applications, faster and behave better, I...
  • August 13 Looking for a unique name ? (Software and IT systems)
    You need to have a global variable. Ok. But you are worried that it will clash with someone elses global name? After all the quantity of...
  • August 10 Valuable savings (a.k.a. String constants) (Software and IT systems)
    Idea for ecma5 , to have string literal constants as part of the...
  • August 7 JavaScript Legacy — Optimization through Conditional Compilation (Software and IT systems)
    This might be an ultimate optimization weapon. And it might even be considered as a non-hack, not-a-trick,...
  • August 6 IE + XMLHttpRequest problem and solution (Software and IT systems)
    I just found, yet another IE + JavaScript...
  • July 31 User Manual Driven Development (Software and IT systems)
    Recently (last 5 years) I use and promote, something I call: UMDD. Or “User Manual Driven...
  • July 19 Solution for web applications demanding IE6 (Software and IT systems)
    This is my proposal. It is exactly the same concept as Virtual XP (VXP) for Windows...
  • July 1 When is an IT Architecture obsolete ? (Architecture. A formal description of the system, Data Centre)
    Ok, perhaps not in a such a drastic way. Here, I am describing an use-case that approves of simple and effective solution that usually...
  • May 29 XAML Desktop on Windows 8 ? (Software and IT systems, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Why not use XAML as a desktop/display programming language ? Imagine having the whole desktop and the whole GUI in XAML. With the XAML...
  • May 8 Safe(r) and slow(er) jQuery (Software and IT systems)
    This is a jQuery 1.3.2 version of mine, made to work in the presence of Object.prototype (ab)use....
  • April 29 Microsoft is real on security. Not. (Compliance, GDPR, Security, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Next time when being told to learn (even) more about the tough Microsoft security infrastructure , show this to the...
  • April 8 JSON considered unsafe ? (Software and IT systems)
  • April 2 Native JSON file support (Software and IT systems)
    Today, in (most of the) browsers, we have native xml files support. But w e have not native JSON display support in...
  • March 19 jQuery name/value pairs and operations on them (Software and IT systems)
    I might be so bold as to think that some jQuery user, would appreciate to be able to do this : $('#container[~top]') // inside...
  • March 19 jQuery selector context considered a “good thing” (Software and IT systems)
    Generally speaking and simply put, it is not logical (natural) to query any structure, if the result will contain the whole structure being...
  • March 18 jsondom — json:// (Software and IT systems)
    As I already postulated few weeks...
  • March 11 jQERY Inclusion Mechanism (updated) (Software and IT systems)
    I think , that we the jQUERY users, all need an official and transparent mechanism for loading the up-to-date jQUERY...
  • March 9 Legacy — msxml.dll — problem and a solution (Software and IT systems)
    Windows is one ancient OS. And you are the Admin (with capital A) on this legacy server farm. There is much (much) more of these, than...
  • February 3 Primordial Win Script (Software and IT systems)
    Here is one tasty little script from the pre-power shell era. Is it useful? I certainly hope so. Will it run on your W7 ? Certainly it...
  • February 2 AsyncResult 3/3 (Software and IT systems)
    Is this JavaScript serial (killer :)) ever going to finish ? Well I am still having a lot of fun with this little JavaScript mechanism. For...
  • January 28 AsyncResult 2/3 (Software and IT systems)
    Third and final installment of a little JavaScript thinking and coding...
  • January 28 JavaScript: Very simple UID (Software and IT systems)
    Here is an extremely simple and still perfectly usable heart of the algorithm for generating UID's in javascript running inside a browser...
  • January 23 Asynchronous JavaScript (Software and IT systems)
    My own AsyncResult developed in JavaScript. Without looking into Mozilla "workers"...
  • January 23 Most Valued Proffesional aka MVP (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Ever envied those cool Microsoft MVP’s? A small group of powerfull Microsoft...
  • January 14 Cause of the Crunch (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Why has it happened? My...
  • January 13 Bankers (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    My definition of bankers , and their dedicated...
  • November 19 Why XML ? (Software and IT systems)
    Why is JSON better than...
  • November 12 NTFS idea from the WIN7 era (Cloud Computing, Data Centre, Software and IT systems)
    I think it is simple (not very simple) and at the same time an extremely good idea. Ah, false modesty, who needs you...
  • October 14 Quote of many Weeks (Compliance, GDPR, Security, Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Isaac Asimov quote on computers honesty being...
  • September 27 Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol v.s. Google (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    Today we live in a GOOGLE verse, aka GOOGLE Universe. Let's try and dream up the GOGOL universe. Primarily invented as an juksta-position...
  • September 13 Single Setup (SS) (Software and IT systems)
    Problem: Modern applications used by 99% of population (M$ Office) are very powerful, mature and very configurable. Every such application...
  • August 13 Albie (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Aka Albert Einstein, had a lot of clever and witty remarks, like this...
  • July 31 Change your Blogging Platform (Software and IT systems)
    If you dare, that...
  • July 29 Gone Phishing (Compliance, GDPR, Security)
    Kudos and copyright to Rick...
  • July 25 JavaScript namespaces Part 1 (Software and IT systems)
    Very early (and sloppy) DBJ musings on JS namespaces. Namespaces in JavaScript (JS) are necessary construct for partitioning the...
  • July 7 Option 3 for Microsoft (Industries, Markets and Speculations, Windows, Microsoft and the rest)
    Debating time slot has passed. No more time. Microsoft has only 3 ways out, a.k.a. “3 options”...
  • February 13 C Sharp implicit casting (Software and IT systems)
    FM# C# library, implicit casting operator? ... Wait, what is FM#? FM# is (my) C# library of Foundation Mechanisms (aka...
  • February 13 My message to IT marketing department (Software and IT systems)
    February 13th, 2008 Low cost, is high risk. Especially when applied to IT. And … Unfortunately high cost does not yield low risk...
  • February 12 And ADO.NET 3.5 said: Destiny of the distant object is not my destiny. (Software and IT systems)
    Apparently url does not exist any more. This is where Project "Astoria"...
  • December 30 Fribourg (Industries, Markets and Speculations)
    [December 30th, 2006] Right now I am in Switzerland, in the city of Fribourg. 50 km north of Lousanne, towards Bern. I am having a very...
  • October 28 WWW is particle accelerator (Architecture. A formal description of the system)
    Information is an primary particle in the field of human...
  • October 28 What is “advanced algorithm” ? (Software and IT systems)
    Definition of an advanced...
  • May 11 WTL initialization, Com and C++ namespaces (Software and IT systems)
    C++ anonymous namespace initialization...
  • April 19 Do your C++ reality check… (Software and IT systems)
    Some C++ programmers fail to notice that stdlib existence is a fact....