Enterprise Architecture Country Governance
Architecture Framework for Government
Enterprise Architecture Country Governance is the idea of using Enterprise Architecture Methodology for governing systems, residing in the continuum above IT projects. Space planning of the towns, regions, or country level. Not just space planning, or even the actual “pure” governance projects.
Dusan B. Jovanovic (DBJ) Master Arch. TOGAF(R)
Part of this text is adapted from Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) good article. This act of adaptation is a deliberate attempt in order to show how well-positioned Enterprise Architecture Methodology is for Architecting the Government. Enterprise Architecture Methodology is a Governance System founded on technology. Thus I have not had to “massage” this methodology to prove its new application. It is already there.
Enterprise Architecture Methodology4G is (I do claim: to be) a framework for planning the Government Architecture that will provide an approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing a country and its myriad of large systems, of which only one is information architecture.
The view from above
Enterprise Architecture Methodology4G is one high-level approach. It is a method, conceptually divided into four levels: Governance, Application, Data, and Technology. It relies heavily on modularization, standardization, and already existing, proven technologies and products.
Foundation of Enterprise Architecture Methodology4G, the Enterprise Architecture Methodology has been developed starting 1995 by, based on DoD‘s TAFIM. As of 2016, reports that Enterprise Architecture Methodology is employed by 80% of Global 50 companies and 60% of Fortune 500 companies.
To lead the large multinational and successfully govern is equally complex as governing any macro-level project. Enterprise Architecture Methodology has been proven many times over as a fit for that purpose. Thus the idea is simple: repurpose the Enterprise Architecture Methodology and make it applicable to be a method of choice when dealing with macro-level projects, on the region, town, or country level.
“Architecture Framework”

An architecture framework (AF) is a set of tools that can be used for developing a broad range of different architectures. AF is designed to be a set of methods to:
- Create a plan of an information system as a set of building blocks
- Fit together these building blocks
- Manage stakeholders and their requirements
- Define and provide a common vocabulary for architectural teams
- Research and include a list of standards
- Research and include a list of compliance requirements and solutions
Enterprise Architecture Methodology differs from various other AF’s by having a wider focus that covers (business) strategy, (business) operations, and (business) information, not just the technology considerations. Likewise, Enterprise Architecture Methodology4G will be having a wide focus to cover:
- Government Strategy
- Government Operations
- Government Information
The ANSI/IEEE Standard 1471-2000 specification of architecture: “the fundamental organisation of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution.” .Enterprise Architecture Methodology adopts slightly different view:
“formal description of a system, or a detailed plan of the system at component level to guide its implementation”
A government can be defined as a country governance implementation instrument. Thus, an Enterprise Architecture Methodology4G definition would be:
Formal description of a state as the detailed plan of the (country/region/town) governance at its governance parts level, to guide the government.
The Architecture Development Method (ADM) is a core of Enterprise Architecture Methodology which describes a method for developing and managing the lifecycle of enterprise architecture. Thus in the Enterprise Architecture Methodology4G scenario organizations ADM4G will describe a method for developing and managing the lifecycle of a project for developing a country governance architecture. To be implemented by its government.
Onto the next page for the Pillars of this method …