Googlops ?

Are we witnessing the birth of a new one-eyed, Cyclopes like, single-eyed monster?

Image (c) 2010 by

Is it only me or did you too notice, this underlying Google ideology, which can be summed up in one short sentence:

More than one is not necessary

One OS, with one browser on one kind of device. All connected to one “Google” cloud. Why have more and complicate your life? Have one, and enjoy the simplicity Google is building for You.

Is Google this new IT Cyclopes? A mythical monster creature that sees everything through a single three-coloured lens of a single “Chrome” eye?

Update 2010.06.03

Just when I thought I was perhaps too harsh against big good GOOG-y?

Also. This bit of “news” about GOOGy switching to Mac OS-X and Linux, bothers me a lot. Especially when relayed by supposedly technically adept people. How could anyone who is in the IT business think of any large-ish company deploying Macs on desktops? Imagine GOOGy decision makers, deciding on Macs for desktops? But why not? Some Jobsian zealot may still ask. This is why not: Mac on the desktop will cost GOOGy more than it pays for a server in any of its data centres.

So, can we all please start talking sense here? Especially in a view of the fact that Linux on the desktop costs GOOGy : 0, zero, nada. And that is ‘costs’ in the present time, not ‘might be costing’ as in some possible future time.


ps: Cyclopes + Google = Googlops, nothing to do with Devops

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