Yearly archives: 2020

25 posts

C++ Zen of the Sad Path

This is not an article about C++ being on the sad path, I just simply would like to show and explain clearly the key paradigms in regards to error handling, multiplied by some personalities.

But why not just learning the official consensus recommendation? Simply because there is no such thing. Continue reading

Bit Torrent for Home

Working from home. The network has slowed down to a crawl. Now what?

[Update 2018 Oct 21]

This morning this post, came out into my focus again as it poped-up among the most popular ones. Who or what made these views I do not know. In any case: welcome.

Anyway. Bit Torrent Sync is now called “Resilio” Inc. They have built a company around it. And it appears there is a free version for personal use.

Please check here. I think I am going to install this on all my devices, and a few more, and use.

Sometimes we need to say: “Just say no to the cloud”.

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