Javascript cond. Just what is that? Well some time ago, I have started what could be described (I hope) as my proper1 contribution to the JS community. GitHub project is HERE.
Please be sure to peek into the Wiki for detailed explanations. Also please drill into the qUnit tests, developed in the test folder. Assumption is since you are here reading this, you are not “github challenged”, and you understand and know how to do all of this.
The core idea was ignited rather innocently, over here, in one of my previous articles. As time was passing by I started picking up here and there some rather positive comments about it. Even an jQuery plugin was based on it, as authored by one Mr Ben “Cowboy” Alman.
Then along the way. I have realised that the core issue and solution lies in comparison principles. Comparing all kind of different structured and simple types. And comparing pairs of single vs array values. That opens up powerful usage patterns, and thus proves one more good side of using dbj.cond(). But, yes in the same time that opens all sorts of questions about complex implementation.
Now I have decided to collect all of my recent work on the subject of having cond() in JS. into one, I hope, very “proper” github project. With Wiki, package.json and all the github repository mod cons. As one might expect from me, after all.
Also, I will not hide that few globally important JS persons are following my github, this blog, etc. And that makes me feeling more responsible for the quality of my output. Which has to go beyond “blogging” that is for sure.
For the immediate future I plan to do this as Node.JS module. First in JS and then in C, of course :)