Yearly archives: 2017

26 posts

C++ : codecvt deprecated. Panic?


P0618RO:  “…The entire header <codecvt> (which does not contain the class codecvt!) is deprecated, as are the utilities wstring_convert and wbuffer_convert. These features are hard to use correctly, and there are doubts about whether they are even specified correctly. Users should use dedicated text-processing libraries instead…”

(In a rush? For the comprehensive “all in one” solution please goto here )

Therefore: C++17:codecvt is, officially, irrevocably, gone. For good. Deprecated.  And there is this highly suspicious: “Text-processing libraries” advice. Panic?  Please don’t. My advice? “Stay cool calm and collected and all things will fall into place”. Read on. Continue reading

metacall()()()™ + project Euler


[Note: metacall base article]

I am currently in the stage of searching for simple but valid examples of metacall validity (aka: usefulness) as interfacing concept and programming idiom.

Leonhard Euler
Leonhard Euler

And, I think I have found one. metacall + project Euler. The mathematical nature of some computational problems make them a great fit for the functional paradigm. For those of you who don’t know, “Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems…” ( I have concluded I could use the simple and interesting solution for a problem from “Project Euler” to show metacall in action.
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