Dear Googy (aka Google), probably has more than 2.5 millions of servers in its 21 data centres. I have extrapolated. In 2011 it was approx 0.9 mil. I was conservative.
Google Inc.
It seems this one I got right. 15_ years ago. The role of Gogle in constant harvesting information about you.
I even have presented the schematic diagram of the big data harvester, Google is using thousands of them, on the endless fields in the virtual sky today. Continue reading
Of course, GOOG made a wrong decision with deciding on Java VM, to be used inside Android.
And now GOOG is paying the price. That is: they are about to pay, even if there is no money involved, and even if they do not loose in the court v.s. Java owner: Oracle.
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Update 2009 Nov 20
This does not happen every day, so I have to be laud about it. I was right one year ago. My idea bellow turns into reality today!
So what was I speculating on about?
Original begins here
A different and (I hope) educated point of view on this one, if I may?
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