Update 2009 Nov 20
This does not happen every day, so I have to be laud about it. I was right one year ago. My idea bellow turns into reality today!
So what was I speculating on about?
Original begins here
Update 2009 Nov 20
This does not happen every day, so I have to be laud about it. I was right one year ago. My idea bellow turns into reality today!
So what was I speculating on about?
Original begins here
Perhaps the best answer to the proverbial question “Why would anybody do this?” is Bentley s “Programming Pearls“, Column 7: The Back of the Envelope.
Please read on for a bit more pragmatic approach to start understanding the costs of your IT system being planned. Continue reading
Ok, perhaps not in a such a drastic way. Here, I am describing an use-case that approves of simple and effective solution that usually renders the resident architectural ceremony obsolete.
Some organizations do suffer from architectural ceremony. Usually arising in a situation when the methodology and process are not tailored for the organization. Not tailored by kind of business and not tailored by size (complexity) of the business. In which case “priests of the architectural ceremony” are required to translate the not so obvious value of the solutions, to /from the rest of the organization.
Here we have an real life example of a “best” solution, that might be slowed down considerably or even discarded by high priests of the architectural ceremony.
Today, I came over this solution, to solve a requirement for an document/image storage and retrieval. With pretty hefty size requirements at that. By “came over” I mean, after 10+years in the business, I “just” draw it, thought about it (for a day) and then the team (of one) went on to implement it under my supervision. Perhaps one might call this an “architectural stunt” but I beg to differ.
Without false modesty I will admit that it struck me how simple and cost effective this architecture and its implementation is. And still relevant, one year after. And yes, may years after, with a hardware refresh. And this fact is equally if not even more important. This is what customers do value very highly.
Next time when being told to learn (even) more about the tough Microsoft security infrastructure , show this to the "teacher"
I think it is simple (not very simple) and at the same time an extremely good idea. Ah, false modesty, who needs you … Continue reading
Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest.
–Isaac Asimov